When people think about orthodontic treatment, they often imagine teenagers with traditional braces. However, it’s never too late to address misalignment and malocclusion, and with modern dental technology, treating these problems no longer means having to deal with metal brackets and wires in the mouth. Treatments like Invisalign clear aligners allow dentists to help patients of all ages straighten their smiles discreetly and conveniently. Read on to learn more about how Invisalign works and whether older adults and seniors can benefit from this treatment.
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a modern alternative to traditional metal braces that’s great for patients of all ages who have misaligned teeth as well as bite problems. Instead of brackets and wires, Invisalign utilizes clear trays that gently and strategically shift teeth into their ideal positions. Typically, each aligner will be worn for two weeks before graduating to the next set of trays, and this process continues until the final alignment results are achieved. Just like traditional braces, after completing Invisalign treatment, you’ll need to wear a retainer for a determined amount of time to preserve the results.
Who is a Good Candidate for Invisalign?
Invisalign can help patients of all ages, including seniors and older adults, straighten their smile. Ideal candidates are people who suffer from any of the following orthodontic issues and who are dedicated to maintaining their oral hygiene:
- Crowded teeth
- Gapped teeth
- Crooked teeth
- Protruding teeth
- Overbite
- Underbite
- Crossbite
How Long Does Invisalign for Older Adults Take?
Many older adults and seniors don’t seek orthodontic treatment because they’ve heard that their teeth are set in their jaws and won’t budge, even with intervention. However, that’s not true. With the right amount of pressure, whether you’re a teenager or a senior, teeth are able to shift over time. While the length of your treatment will depend on the severity of the orthodontic problems you face, the average Invisalign process takes between eight and 14 months.
What are the Benefits of Invisalign for Older Adults?
Many adults turn to Invisalign to address misalignment and bite problems because it offers an array of unique benefits that set it apart from traditional braces. Some of the advantages of choosing clear aligners include:
- Discreet orthodontic appliance is great for professional settings
- Conveniently removable aligners make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene
- Continue eating your favorite foods while undergoing treatment
- Easy aligner maintenance
- Comfortable clear trays
- Shorter check-up trips with your dentist throughout the treatment
- Faster average treatment time than traditional braces
It’s never too late to invest in your oral health and hygiene, which is why dentists recommend looking into addressing orthodontic problems at any age! With the right treatment that fits your unique needs, you’ll be able to enjoy a stress-free and effective process that offers lifelong results.
About the Author
Dr. Krasnodara Gashparova has been practicing dentistry for two decades. She is dedicated to helping her patients achieve their smile goals, whether that means aesthetic, health, or functional. She’s also dedicated to staying on top of the latest advancements in her field, which is why she completes continuing education courses regularly and is specially trained in Invisalign technology and treatment. For questions or to schedule an Invisalign consultation, visit Advanced Dentistry of Alhambra’s website or call 626-289-6131.