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Tooth Sensitivity – Alhambra, CA

Struggling with Sensitive Teeth? We Can Help

Overly sensitive teeth can make it difficult to live life to the fullest or even eat hot and cold foods without wincing. But what exactly causes it, and is there any way to stop the problem for good? Thankfully, the Advanced Dentistry of Alhambra team has answers for you. Keep reading below, and don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with our dentists if you’d like to help your own smile recover from excessive tooth sensitivity in Alhambra, CA.

Woman in pain after drinking hot beverage

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What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Grimacing woman holding cheek

Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common complaints among dental patients, but you may be surprised to know that it can happen because of several different reasons. Our dentists will be happy to help you diagnose where your own sensitivity is coming from. Here are some of them:

Tooth Decay

Animation of decayed tooth

Cavities that could be visible on the top surface or in between the teeth and only visible through x-rays. This can be relieved with the help of direct bonding or dental crowns, as well as fillings.

Cracked Tooth

Animation of cracked tooth

Cracks can appear on the teeth due to grinding, chewing on ice or simply due to normal wear and tear. Deeper cracks can cause sensitivity to cold or when chewing. Crowns are the best way to repair a cracked tooth.

Worn Teeth by Grinding or Clenching

Animation of teeth damaged by grinding

This can wear the enamel down significantly. Grinding takes place mostly at night and it can put too much force on the teeth, causing teeth to flex at the gum line and enamel to chip away at the gum line and exposes the sensitive dentin. Using a nightguard will help prevent further damage to the teeth.

Worn or Leaking Fillings

Animation of filling coming loose

Old or broken amalgam fillings often leak and let bacteria and decay inside. Often a root canal is needed to clean out the bacteria, and a crown placed to repair the tooth.

Tooth Erosion

Animation of tooth's eroded biting surfaces

Frequent consumption of soda, sport drinks or other acidic food and beverages can cause enamel erosion. The same applies for excessive and improper brushing technique, especially for individuals with genetically thin gum tissues can push the gums away and expose root dentin. Routine cleanings and fluoride treatments help prevent further decay.

Gum Recession and Tooth Sensitivity

Animation of gum recession

The primary indication of gum recession tends to be tooth sensitivity but can also include the tooth looking longer than normal, as well as a notch that can be felt near the gum line. Gum recession is a common dental problem.

How the Gums Work

Animation of healthy teeth and gums

In the mouth, the gums cover the teeth and the jawbone and act as a seal to prevent food from getting in between the teeth and bacteria from settling deeper and inflaming the jawbone. In case of gum recession, the spaces in between and around the teeth open up allowing food and bacteria to trap deeper.

Why Do Gums Recede?

Animation of smile with severely receded gum tissue

There are a number of factors that can cause your gums to recede, including:

Periodontal or Gum Diseases

Animation of smile with green bacteria overlay

This is the main cause of gum recession. If periodontal or gum disease is not treated, the gums can separate from the teeth causing recessions and exposing the sensitive root surface.

Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Woman with tooth brush holding cheek

If you brush your teeth too hard, use wrong brushing technique or abrasive whitening toothpaste.

Trauma to the Gum Tissue

Closeup of smile with damaged gum tissue

It could be cause by over countered crowns and fillings, dental retainers.


Animation of double helix

Some people are born with the thin type gums that are more likely to recede.

Crooked Teeth

Animation of misaligned smile

Crooked teeth can cause more plaque retention, which causes bacterial gum inflammation.

Misaligned Teeth

Animation of smile with shifting teeth

When teeth do not come together at the same time the biting force is not evenly distributed and teeth receiving the most pressure get gum recession.

Lip or Tongue Piercing

Closeup of person with pierced tongue

Lip, tongue, and other oral piercings can cause constant mechanical irritation causing gum tissue to retract.

How is Gum Recession Treated?

Closeup of healthy teeth and gums

Treatment is based on the reason for the recessions. Please call us for a free consultation to determine the reason and discuss your treatment plan. We may recommend nightguard for grinding, deep cleaning for gum disease, aligning crooked teeth, replacing defective crowns or fillings.