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Does My Child Need Early Orthodontic Treatment?

September 26, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 10:01 pm

Early orthodontic treatment starts between 6 and 11 years of age and doesn’t necessarily involve braces. As a matter of fact having braces too early can affect the normal development of the roots.

The main goal for early start is to influence the growth and development of the jaws so the permanent teeth will erupt naturally in their best possible position. Early orthodontics does not eliminate the need of braces in every single case but often makes braces easier, faster and more effective. There are different dental appliances used for early orthodontics. They work by navigating the body’s natural growth patterns.

Standard Ortho treatment begins when most of the permanent teeth are in the mouth and involves braces or clear aligners.

Early Ortho treatment is NOT necessary in every case. Here are some situations where you should consult with your dentist for early treatment.


Early treatment can address some issues with the normal jaw development. When teeth are in cross bite, popular as underbite, the lower jaw overlaps the top. That blocks normal development of the upper jaw and causes underbite in the permanent dentition. Underbite in permanent teeth is one of the most difficult problems to treat and sometimes requires surgery of the jaw. Fixing the problem early can minimize the need for a jaw surgery later in life and shorten treatment time spent with braces in middle and high school.

Small or narrow upper jaw

One common situation where it may be advantageous to consider early orthodontics is when the jaws are not big enough to accommodate all of the permanent teeth. As a result teeth are crowded and the tongue is pushed to the back of the mouth, blocking the air passage. Creating wider airways is essential for sufficient delivery of O2 to the brain.  In early approach, children wear custom appliances, called palatal expanders. This device is activated every 3-7 days to apply slight pressure and widen top jaw, creating more room for the tongue and permanent teeth to come in more evenly spaced.   This device gradually widens the developing bones of the jaws, creating enough room to accommodate all of the permanent teeth and eliminating the need for extractions later. 

Flared front teeth.

Protruded or too forward positioned front teeth could be a problem and are often in danger from trauma to the teeth during sports or falling accidents. This can be prevented with early but limited ortho, followed by retainers until all the teeth show up in the mouth. 

Thumb sucking and mouth breathing habits

Early ortho can help with habits like thumb sucking, tongue trusting or mouth breathing.

Expanding (widening) of the upper jaw not only helps space up the teeth better but helps create more room for the tongue.

Thumb sucking after 6years of age may cause problems with the proper growth of the mouth and open bite: front teeth on the top and bottom teeth don’t come together.

Early screening

An orthodontic exam, including a panoramic x-ray, is quick and easy.  Most pediatric and general dentists are trained to give you an initial consultation.  Treatment started at the appropriate time can have a positive impact on facial growth and tooth development.  As with most things with children, timing is everything.  Many won’t need orthodontic treatment at an early age but those who do, will have a better chance that may not be possible later.