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Advanced Dentistry of Alhambra Blog

What You Can Expect During a Visit with an Emergency Dentist

January 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 7:22 pm
an emergency dentist speaking with a patient

In the face of a dental emergency, there are a lot of unknowns. From waiting to find out the underlying problem that’s causing your pain to learning what treatment you need, all of this uncertainty can make you feel anxious. A great way to curb this fear and anxiety that you may feel is by knowing what you can expect from your emergency dental appointment. Read on to learn how your emergency dentist can remedy your situation and what you will experience at your visit.


How Can a Bad Bite Affect Your Teeth?

December 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 4:51 am
Closeup of a patient with bad bite alignment

A bad bite, also known as malocclusion, occurs when the teeth do not align properly. This misalignment can have various impacts on the teeth, including:


Can I Upgrade from Dentures to Dental Implants?

November 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 8:25 pm
a closeup of a model of dental implants

For quite some time, dental implants have been considered the gold standard of tooth replacement, capable of restoring lost teeth in terms of appearance and functionality. But if you’re unfamiliar with implants, you might find yourself asking: “How does this treatment option differ from dentures, and is it possible to upgrade from dentures to dental implants?” Continue reading below to learn more about dental implants and why it’s worth it to upgrade to this innovative solution, as well as a few things you can expect while doing so!


The Relationship Between Vitamin D and Gum Disease

October 18, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 6:23 pm

Periodontal disease and its early stage-gum disease is a destructive oral health condition that affects the gums and supporting bone around the teeth. It is caused by a bacterial infection and can lead to gum and bone recession, and even tooth loss if left untreated. While the primary cause of periodontal disease is related to other factors, recent research has also highlighted the role of vitamin D in its development and progression.


4 Facts You Might Not Know About Same-Day Dental Crowns

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 3:19 pm
a hand loading porcelain into a dental milling machine

Traditionally, getting a dental crown meant scheduling multiple appointments with a dentist over the course of several weeks. Today, thanks to the accessibility of high-tech instruments like CAD/CAM design, in-house milling machines, and advanced digital impression systems, that process has been conveniently shortened to just one appointment. Read on to learn four interesting facts you likely didn’t know about same-day dental crowns.

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