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Magnesium: The Forgotten Nutrient for Dental Health

May 23, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 12:18 pm
foods with magnesium that are good for dental health

It is common knowledge that the food we eat can significantly affect our general and dental health.  In the recent years the benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D for bone and teeth health, have been promoted widely. But calcium and vitamin D are not the only nutritional factors for structural integrity of the bone. An excess of these nutrients may even have the negative effect. It is important that the calcium and vitamin D are balanced with other nutrients like zinc, vitamin K, and most importantly magnesium.

Magnesium is essential for many biological processes that occur in the body. Besides the calcium absorption, magnesium activates over 300 reactions in the body and it is responsible to maintain proper muscle relaxation, helps stabilize the rhythm of the heart and prevents abnormal blood clothing. It activated many of the B vitamins, which without magnesium are not as effective.


Dental Information That Future Mothers Should Know

May 12, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drdara @ 12:44 pm
pregnant woman who knows dental information

Are bleeding gums during pregnancy normal? Would that stop after the pregnancy?

Gingivitis, inflammation of the gums, is very common during the pregnancy, usually starts at the end of the first trimester and continues until baby is delivered.  During the second semester a small overgrowth may appear on the gums in the areas where more plaque or food gets trapped. Pregnancy gingivitis comes with red, puffy and sometimes tender gums that tend to bleed when you brush. During the pregnancy a hormone called progesterone is high. That combined with plaque collection on the teeth attracts bacteria and creates inflammation. That is why cleaning appointments and maintaining great oral hygiene is essential during pregnancy.
